

Avicii 艾維奇

I'm addicted to you, Hooked on your love, Like a powerful drug I can't get enough of, Lost in your eyes, Drowning in blue Out of control, What can I do?

Addicted To You-歌詞

I couldn't live without you now, Oh, I know I'd go insane, I wouldn't last one night alone baby, I couldn't stand the pain! ... Outta control, What can I do?


2014年8月14日 — 2013 年底的歌曲,這首歌令人有種澎湃激昂的感覺,跟Adele 的味道可以說有的比,MV 用一種黑色愛情的方式作表現,最後當然是不美麗的結局,有悲壯萬分 ...

Addicted to You (Avicii song)

Addicted to You is a song by Swedish DJ and record producer Avicii, incorporating vocals by American folk rock singer Audra Mae.


2019年9月4日 — 我已魂不守舍,該如何是好? I'm addicted to you. 我已上了你 ...